Combustion, Fire and Scale modeling / 燃焼・火災・模型実験





Combustion plays a fundamental yet an important function for energy conversion system. Because it is convenient heat source released in a very short time, its control directly contributes to two distinctive objectives; one is how to utilize it productively and the other is how to prevent the potential disaster, i.e, safety management. From former point of view, it is well-known that combustion is commonly used to obtain larger work load, for example, power source of motor vehicle, aircraft and even rocket, improving the efficiency and emission is inevitably valuable issues to be studied. With this regards, extensive study on flame structure is very important. On the other hand, the latter issue is rather under-developed and not much attention has been paid as compared to the former one. Unpredictable fire and disaster could damage huge amount of properties, sometimes even lives. Especially, it is very dangerous when such accidents occur in a highly-enclosed environment, e.g., space vehicle, aircraft, submarine, nuclear power-plant etc. In addition, because a sufficient amount of CO2 is produced by the forest fires, a proposing better strategy of firefighting and understanding the mechanism to grow such massive fires could be very important not only on the safety management but also minimize the environmental load.
It is so sure that both are equally important to establish better (and safer) energy system. However, their scales of interest are very different (flame study: ~ mm scale, fire study: ~ km scale), hence, they have been likely treated as different research subjects and discussed by different research groups in different communities. Now we are challenging to "merge" them by using "scale modeling" concept. Scale modeling has been originally developed to pick up the primary physical/chemical processes for different scale of interest, therefore, it would assist to find the key issues to deal with the multi-scale, multi-physics problems. The aim of our research group is to engage the scale-modeling-based combustion research to have right strategy to deal with multi-scale, multi-physics problem, then establish the better and safer energy system.
By the way, scale modeling concept can be widely applicable to any multi-scale, multi-physics problems (e.g., atmospheric chemistry) so that "mastering of scale modeling" through combustion research shall be a unique and effective way to educate the professional engineers.

Education policy / 教育方針

Learn, how to learn(学び方を学ぶ)

Prof. Kozo Saito (University of Kentucky)

ケンタッキー大学の斉藤孝三教授の言を借りれば,大学とは「学び方を学ぶ」場所である.本研究室の教育方針はこの短い言葉に集約されている.研究するという行為は,まだ誰も知らない,あるいは誰も気づいていない何かを見出して理解しようと探求心に基づくものであることに他ならない. そこにはそれを見つけるためのマニュアルもガイダンスも王道もない.そのため,ある問題に対して検討を重ね,その答えを探す道のりが困難であることは想像するに難くない.第一それは教科書をみれば書いてあるわけでもないし,そもそも答えがあるかどうかすらわからない.これまでの授業で馴染みのある(問題を解いて答えをえるという)演習とは別次元である.そこには答えがあるかどうかすら保証もされていないわけだから.

この事実に直面すると,多くの人は面食らう.これまで学習してきたことと全く違うからである.それは当たり前で,座学や演習で得られるものは「知識」であり,その知識を「どう使うか」は教えてくれないからである.それは自ら「学び取る」ことでしか得られない.それを訓練するのが研究活動と位置付けても過言ではない.その修得に向けて自分だけで地道に訓練することもよいが,折角だから,研究室を活用してみてほしい. 研究を行うにあたり,どうにもならなくなったとき,是非,周りを見てほしい.そこには経験豊富な先輩がいるし,想いを共有できる仲間がいる.悩みを先輩に相談したり,研究室の仲間とディスカッションしたりすると,目当ての文献や関連情報を「効果的に」集めたることができることを実感するはずである.この過程で(つまり研究を通じて),学生諸君はあらゆる問題を解決するために共通の「探している答えにたどり着くための方法」を経験することになる.これが「学び方を学ぶ」ということである.これによって自己の能力を高め,それを最大限に発揮することができるようになる.本研究室では「学び方を学ぶ」ために必要な環境を提供する.研究テーマも基本はその一環である. 現在,本研究室で取り組んでいる研究テーマには,燃焼の基礎研究に関するものだけでなく,燃焼反応に関する研究や複雑なマルチフィジックス問題のモデリング,高効率燃焼器の開発,バイオマス燃料の利用,新しいエネルギー変換システムの提案,大規模火災現象(火災旋風),原子力発電所や宇宙などの極限環境における安全管理,推進システム,ロケットエンジンなど,非常に幅広いことは実感いただけるであろう.そのため各研究テーマに関する知識やアイデアを全員で共有することは難しいと感じるかもしれない.しかし,実は各自の研究を進める上で必要な「燃焼学」と「スケールモデリング」という基礎は全員に共通している.同じ土台に立脚しつつ各テーマで目指す方向性が違うため,逆にいえば,いろいろな見方でいろいろな未知の現象理解に取り組んでいる集団を形成していることになる.こうしておくと,全然出口が違うにも関わらず,あるときどこかには同じ考え方や方法論が流用できるということを実感する瞬間が起きる.それがあると,今後のモノの見方が一気に変わる.それを誘発するため,重なった研究テーマはできるだけ設定しないように心掛けている(これも環境整備の一環である).


University is the place to "learn, how to learn", proposed by Kozo Saito, Professor at The University of Kentucky who is mentor of our lab manager: Professor Nakamura. Our education policy is fully based on this one phrase. We do research to explore something we do not know and nobody have accessed so far, therefore, there is no guidance, no manual, no royal way. Then, you might be struggle and be stressful until finding the solution, however, this is the process to learn how to reach the solution. During the struggling, you shall study by yourself, ask questions to seniors, how to find the suitable literature on your purpose, how to correct the relevant information etc. Those experiences are inevitable to "learn, how to learn". Upon the learning period, you could improve yourself and maximize one's potential. We do offer all of students the opportunity and a comfort and academic atmosphere/environment to "learn, how to learn", then improve yourself by your own.
The area covered by our group is relatively vast; for instance, fundamental flame study, combustion kinetics, modeling of highly complex multi-physics problem, develop better combustor, utilization of biomass fuel, propose vision of future energy-conversion system, massive fire (e.g. fire tornado), safety management in extreme environment (e.g., space, nuclear power plant), propulsion system, rocket engine thrusting, utilization of methane released from livestocks; pretty much vast area of interest is our target. Hence, it seems difficult to share one's idea to others, however, the very fundamental parts (combustion and scale modeling) are common. We will train you its basic, namely combustion fundamental as well as scale modeling concept, to adopt any kind of research topics. In fact, most of topics are based on various kind of collaboration projects to fulfill wide-range of areas so that you might notice how the training can be applicable to face to the real engineering problems. Our research partners are, for example, JAXA (Tsukuba Space Center), BRI (Building Research Institute), AIST (Advance Institute of Science and Technology), NASA, US-universities (U. Kentucky, SDSU, UCB, UMD etc), and Japanese universities. Our students are expected to closely work with them. In addition, we offer various opportunities to present their progresses at academic conferences (international/domestic). Getting touch with out-campus communities does improve their presentation (communication) skills. Any interest? Join us and find out by yourself what is "learn, how to learn".

Schedule / 年間予定

Apr. (4月) : Welcome party(歓迎会) / Orientation(オリエンテーション)
May (5月) : Lab. seminar(ゼミ)/ BBQ party(バーベキュー)
Aug. (8月) : Lab. seminar(ゼミ)
Sep. (9月) : Cleanup(大掃除)
Oct. (10月) : Lab. seminar(ゼミ) & Draft of thesis(卒論・修論のドラフト)
Dec. (12月) : Defend for B. thesis (卒論発表) / Year-end party(忘年会)
Feb. (2月) : On-the-Job Traning(実務訓練報告会) / Defend for M. thesis(修論発表)
Mar. (3月) : Cleanup(大掃除) / Graduation(卒業式)

History / 沿革

2024 Aug. Dr. Daiki Matsugi was appointed as an Assistant Professor
2024 July. Dr. Vojtech Salek was appointed as a postodoctoral researcher
         Vojtech Salek博士がポスドクとして着任されました.
2024 Apr. Dr. Takuya Yamazaki moved to Hirosaki University as a Associate Professor
2023 Jun. Dr. Peiyi Sun was appointed as a postdoctral researcher
         Peiyi Sun博士がポスドクとして着任されました
2022 Sep. Dr. Yue Zhang was appointed as a postdoctral researcher
         Yue Zhang博士がポスドクとして着任されました
2022 Aug. Dr. Xiaoyu Ju moved to be a postdoctral researcher at University of California, Berkeley
         Xiaoyu Ju博士がUniversity of California, Berkeleyにポスドクとして異動されました
2022 Apr. Dr. Daiki Matsugi was appointed as a postdoctral researcher
2020 Apr. Dr. Takuya Yamazaki was appointed as Assistant Professor
2020 Mar. Dr. Xiaoyu Ju was promoted to Research Assistant Professor
         Xiaoyu Ju博士が特任助教として採用されました
2019 Aug. Dr. Xiaoyu Ju was appointed as a postdoctral researcher
         Xiaoyu Ju博士が博士研究員として着任されました
2019 Apr. Dr. Tsuneyoshi Matsuoka was promoted to Associate Professor
2017 June Dr. Hossain moved to be a Designed Lecturer at Nagoya University
         Akter Hossain博士が名古屋大学に特任講師として異動されました
2017 Oct. Prof. Yuji Nakamura was promoted to Full Professor
2017 June Dr. Gao moved to be Qingdao Associate Professor at Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
         Jian Gao博士が青島バイオエネルギー・バイオプロセス技術研究所に准教授として異動されました
2016 Mar. Prof. Susumu Noda retired
2014 Apr. Prof. Yuji Nakamura was appoitend as Associate Professor
2012 Dec. Dr. Tsuneyoshi Matsuoka was appointed as Assistant Professor